They make it sound so easy, don't they? That motto is short & sweet, and the lure of the advertisement promising. So, as long as I "just do it", will I look like that? Tiffany blue sneakers, glistening skin, and cellulite free legs? Will I effortlessly glide to and fro on the gym floor with confidence?
We all know that answer. I can just see the smirk on your face now.
More often than not, when overweight people see those ads, we may react in a few different ways. Either we:
- Ignore it
- Make excuses
- Respond with... "Just do what?"
Well, I'll tell you.
Those that have the last response usually don't know where to start. They may have never stepped foot in a gym. Maybe they have tried all the trendy diets with no luck. Wherever they are coming from, the answer to their question is just as simple as the motto.
The first step is making a commitment to yourself. A vow to stay on the path regardless of how you feel from day to day. A promise to not waver when you smell a coworkers tasty double cheeseburger from two desks over. Hold yourself accountable.
The second step is to be realistic. Most of us want fast results, a miracle. Instead of searching for something that will take the weight off quickly without much work, focus that energy on your plan of attack. It will take time for the weight to come off. Be patient.
The third step is to develop a support system. None of us can do this alone. Whether it be family, friends, or an online group, determine who you will lean on and look to for support.
Now that you have set a solid foundation, what's next?
I know, it's a terrifying word. People flee at the sound of it. But stick with me.
The following changes are the steps I have taken, and whats worked for me!
Count Calories
This is a big part of accountability. Until you write down what you eat on a daily basis, you will not be truly aware of the amount of calories you're consuming. This is the wake-up call we need.
The website I use is www.myfitnesspal.com. They also have a handy app too with a newsfeed like Facebook. You can search for meals at restaurants, add & calculate your own recipes, and add in exercise.
After you enter in your information (height, weight, etc), it will estimate what your daily calorie intake should be. For example, mine was originally 1560. It will adjust based on your weight changes to ensure you continue dropping weight. Currently, mine is 1440.
I know, I know. Bad word. But it's necessary to see results. We must burn some of those calories we are tracking! Now, this doesn't mean you have to slave over a hot treadmill all day.
I walk 40-45 minutes a day, 6 days a week. We have a park near our house and we love walking out there. A good tip that my friend Kenny gave me is to walk 30 minutes in one general direction, and that way, you have to walk another 30 minutes to get home, no shortcuts. It's like tricking yourself.
There will be days where you feel like taking a break, or need one. Allow yourself the rest. Ultimately, you should be active 3-5 days a week to see results.
I will end on that note for the evening. Tomorrow I will post my recipe for my Skinny Sour Cream Enchiladas! Sleep well!
Nice job Gina! I put my mind to it 7 years ago and set out to lose 40 pounds. It took six months, but I felt so good! I kept the weight off for 6.5 years, but a medication change I made in June has changed my metabolism & appetite. I'm finding all my clothes too tight, and the scale says I'm 15 lbs. Above my goal. I'm having a tough time getting the motivation back. It was relatively easy to maintain my weight for so long. Now I'm having to work at it again, and it feels unfair. You are inspiring me. I know from before how good it feels. We'll see if I can't pull my head together. Thanks for your blog. - Julie
Thank you Julie! It's hard when our body doesn't allow us to do what we want it to do. It's discouraging and quite the challenge to find ways to get the weight off. Just know that you have it within you. Let me know if you need a boost! xo
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