Before: 289 pounds
After: 201 Pounds
So much has changed in the past year.
Physically, emotionally & spiritually.
I think I finally found Gina.
Some new words that describe me now:
I have never felt like this before. Ever.
Physical Changes
No more chub rub!
When I smile, you can see my eyes now!
I have bones & veins! Not just fluff anymore!
I don't sweat as much as I used to.
My feet don't hurt when standing on them for long periods of time.
I can't help but walk fast now!
The buttons on my pants don't dig in and brand me anymore!
I went from a size 24 to size 16 pants!
Went from 3X to XL(some L)
Emotional Changes
I like who I see in the mirror now.
I'm not as self conscious!
I see myself as how God sees me. (beautiful regardless of what size I am!)
I enjoy shopping rather than dreading it!
My confidence level has increased and is effecting my people skills in a very positive way!
All in all, life has completely changed. For the better.
If 2012 was this good, I can't wait to see what God has in store for 2013!