I'm sure everyone ate mostly veggies and fruit, only water, no desserts and worked out everyday. Right? Hello?
Not even the most self-controlled person could resist treating themselves to some christmas cookies, or pouring an extra spoonful of gravy on their mashed potatoes. If anything, this is the time of the year you can allow yourself to take it easy for a couple of days and enjoy the treats the holiday has to offer.
My indulgence was mainly candy and cookies. My brother had these crazy-good chocolate covered red velvet cakeballs. That's a mouthful! And I had a mouthful! LOL :)
Unfortunately, the next day I had a cold. I made myself stay on the couch and rest. The menu was soup and crackers. Not that I could taste anything. *sidenote - isn't that the absolute worst part of having a cold?!
I could hardly wait to get back to walking and eating right. So much in fact, that my shins are tender from me overdoing it a little.
2012 is your clean slate. Wipe away everything that has dragged you down, held you back...and move forward. Don't wait another day, another moment. Life is too short to hold back from what you CAN be. It is within all of us.